This web site is still under construction, some links may not be operational.

The Irish Adventure of Richard Kukura and Tommy Hulme and the fate of their Beaufighter JL710

The Story of the last hours of Beaufighter JL710
This website is about the crash of Beaufighter JL710 beside St Mogue's Island, Templeport Lake, Bawnboy on 17th March 1943 and the people who were involved at the time and subsequently.
It accompanies (& includes) a booklet published locally for the visit on 16th July of some of the Kukura & Hulme families to the places mentioned on this site.

Supplementary items 
Diving at the Crash Site
  Contact with Tommy Hulme's Daughter Liz! Locations Maps 

This site is dedicated to Richard Kukura and Tom Hulme
and all
the brave men of the RAAF and RAF
who risked their lives for us and for the freedom of all nations
and to
The People of Templeport and Corlough
who showed
generosity and kindness
Two strangers in trouble

I have attempted to include on this site all the information available about this incident.
Sorry, I haven't any more for the moment, the work is ongoing as is the local research.
I would appreciate anything you might be able to offer by way of correction or otherwise.
This mini-web site was designed by with much help and assistance from Richard Kukura and members of his family without whom the site wouldn't exist.
Thanks to Liz & Alex Rothwell, Tommy Hulme's daughter & grandson who provided photographs and text.
The research was done by John Patterson, Dennis Burke, David Earl, myself and a large number of local people to whom much gratutude is due. Please see the About & Thanks page

Updated 30-05-06
Major update with addition of booklet and other items 28-07-06
The Night the Plane Came Down added 11-06-06

The photographs of the Kukuras are their own copyright © Kukura Family 10/05/2004
The photos of Tommy Hulme are the copyright of Liz Rothwell © 28/05/2006

This page has had visitors since 12th May 2006