Aerial Photos of Bawnboy
Old Photos of Bawnboy

Some Aerial photos of Bawnboy village and surrounding area

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Looking towards Templeport & Bellaboy lakes from over Bawnboy village
Looking towards Ballyconnell from over Killycrin
Brackley lake in the middle distance with Bawnboy village visible on the left
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Corrasmongan with Joe McGovern's storage sheds
G.A.A. pitch with the village of Bawnboy behind
The Marsh Road with Bunerky and a tiny bit of Brackley and Lakefield
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Part of the village with Kilsob road out towards Bellaboy, Kildough and Templeport
Another shot of Bawnboy village with St Mogue's College & Ballyconnell road
The slopes of Slieve Rushen with GAA grounds and St Mogue's College
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These photos are copyright however I have no objection to their use for private and noncommercial purposes. © NR 2006
